A Quick Guide to Securing Your Philadelphia Food Handlers License
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Ready to grow your restaurant business in Philadelphia? Before getting started, it’s important to ensure that your restaurant is adhering to the local licenses and permits required. This first starts with a food handlers permit.
To obtain a food handler’s permit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it is mandatory for food businesses to have an employee certified in food safety present at all times during operation. This employee must complete a food safety course approved by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health or a nationally recognized food manager certification program approved by ANSI. The certification is valid for five years and must be posted in a visible location within the business.
Here are a few simple steps to get started with food handlers permit in Philadelphia:
1. Complete a Food Safety Course
- Purpose: To gain the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure food safety in your business.
- Estimated Cost: Varies depending on the course provider.
- Instructions: The designated employee must complete a food safety course approved by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health or a nationally recognized food manager certification program approved by ANSI. A list of approved course providers can be found on the Philadelphia government website and the ANSI National Accreditation Board website.
2. Apply for the Food Safety Certificate
- Purpose: To obtain the official certification required to operate a food business in Philadelphia.
- Estimated Cost: $30.00 for the initial certificate, $50.00 for a replacement certificate.
- Instructions: After completing the food safety course, the applicant must submit a copy of the course certificate, a completed application for a City of Philadelphia Food Safety Certification Form, and a certified check or money order for $30.00 made out to the City of Philadelphia – EHS. The application can be submitted in person or by mail to the Department of Public Health, Office of Food Protection, located at 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. The application form can be found here.
Useful Information Source Links:
- Philadelphia Government Website
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- PA Department of Agriculture
How Long is the Food Safety Certificate Valid for?
The Food Safety Certificate is valid for five years. After this period, the employee must complete and pass another approved food safety course.
What Happens if I Lose My Food Safety Certificate?
If you lose your certificate, you can apply for a replacement by submitting a certified check or money order for $50.00 made out to the City of Philadelphia – EHS, along with a statement of the reason why a replacement certificate is needed.
Are All Food Businesses Required to Have a Certified Food Safety Employee?
Businesses selling only pre-packaged, non-hazardous foods are exempt from this requirement.
Can One Certified Employee Serve Multiple Facilities?
No, an employee may only serve as the certified manager for one facility.
Build Your Restaurant Business With CloudKitchens
Whether you’re starting a new food business or expanding to another location, CloudKitchens has multiple locations in Philadelphia that can help you reach your restaurant goals.
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DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for general informational purposes only and the content does not constitute an endorsement. CloudKitchens does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, images/graphics, links, or other content contained within the blog content. We recommend that you consult with financial, legal, and business professionals for advice specific to your situation. |
City of Philadelphia. Food Safety Certification. https://www.phila.gov/documents/instructions-and-application-form-for-food-safety-certification/
Philadelphia Food Safety. Application Form. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.phila.gov/media/20181003165242/Instructions_and_Application_Form_for_Food_Safety_Certification.pdf
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Food Employee Certification. https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/consumer_protection/FoodSafety/Retail%20Food/Pages/Food-Employee-Certification-.aspx
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